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Photos taken in Southeast Asia and East Asia, including China, Korea, the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Hongkong and Thailand
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Street Vendors of Asia
The major community eating spots, either eat at makeshift tables or take home. Located often in back streets, but sometimes main ones, curbsides, roadsides, any side. 
Beijing, China
Busan, Korea
Beijing, China
Hanoi, Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam
Zhuhai, China
Bengbu, China
Busan, Korea
This Website Created and Maintained by David Reed Thomas - [email protected]
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This is holiday street fair at Chaoyang Park which is located on the site of a former Prince's Palace. The park's construction began in 1984 and it later became Beijing's largest park. I lived next to this park.
This eating spot was several blocks long and very popular in Busan, Easy access to the subway and seaside fish markets.
Adapting chairs into tables, several noodle venders make use of this method throughout China, Typical street food - designed for fast turnover -  not sure how well washed the bowls and chopsticks are. 
The Hanoi city center and back streets are filled with commercial "street vending" life. Wonderful place to photgraph people and their daily lives. 
A remarkable colorful street vendor with true portable capability. 
Many of the Hanoi street sellers have a more "fixed" permanent spot to work from, Bike riders come by with resupplies.
Daily work life and community social life abound - considerable product variety displayed. Tough day-to-day work. 
A different set of hygiene standards, if any, apply here.  The photo tells the story. 
The roasted chickens ad ducks look quite tasty. The marinating of the meet is great. I have had many chickens from these "cooks" - though I am not sure they always cook them here where they are sold. 
Bengbu is located in the southeast of the North China Plain, on the Huai River. The built up urbanized area is divided into two parts: greater Bengbu and little Bengbu. I spent many days here.  "Old China"
Mixed view of the traditional seafood market found along the waterfront and the open-air "cooked foods" street market (one of many) found all over Busan. 
Great places to explore and photograph while witnessing Korean daily life.Â